With the advancement in agriculture, various types of protected cultivation practices suitable for a specific type of agro-climatic zone have emerged. Protected cultivation practices can be defined as a cropping technique wherein the micro climate surrounding the plant body is controlled partially or fully as per the requirement of the vegetable species grown during their period of growth.


Protected cultivation has spread rapidly over the last three decades into relatively new areas all around the world. There is need to assess the technogies’ presence in India, its status and acceptance amongst the growers and farmers.


Against this backdrop, PHD Chamber is organizing a Roundtable Interaction on Innovative Protected Cultivation Technologies in India on 14 September 2015 at PHD house, New Delhi.


The objective of the session is to present the latest technology trends in crop production including conventional glasshouses, plastic-covered greenhouses and screen-covered greenhouses (screen houses and net-houses), and to provide new insights and innovative solutions to improve protected horticulture sustainability across India.


The session will bring together scientists, technicians, private industry, producers and consumers to discuss, with an interdisciplinary approach, how emerging technologies in covering materials, structures, plant biotechnologies, crop management, and greenhouse automation can be managed more efficiently using innovative strategies.


We invite you and your colleagues to avail the opportunity to interact with the esteemed guests.


With Regards


  (Durgesh C Sharma)



Chief Guest



Dr. S. K. Malhotra

Horticulture Commissioner
Ministry Of Agriculture
Government of India






----------------------  RESPONSE FORM  ------------------------



Roundtable Interaction on

Innovative Protected Cultivation
Technologies in India

14 September 2015, PHD House, New Delhi

We shall join the a Roundtable Interaction on Innovative Protected Cultivation Technologies in India on 14 September 2015 at PHD house, New Delhi.

Organization: ..................................................................................................................

Address: ........................................................................................................................

...................................................................................Pin code: .....................................

Phone: .......................................................... Fax: .........................................................

E-mail: ............................................................................................................................


The following Participant / Participants will attend the conference :


1. Name: .......................................................Designation: .............................................


Contact/E-mail:: ....................................................... .............................................


2. Name: .......................................................Designation: .............................................


Contact/E-mail:: ....................................................... .............................................


3. Name: .......................................................Designation: .............................................


Contact/E-mail:: ....................................................... .............................................




Name and signature of Authorized signatory


For further details please contact


Mr. Pradeep Gupta: - 011 -26863801 (Extn: 310) Email: pradeep.gupta@phdcci.in

Ms. Nirupama Sharma: – 011 – 26863801 (Extn: 237) Email: nirupama@phdcci.in



PHD House, 4/2 Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi – 110016
Ph: 011-26863801-04, 49545454, 49545400, Fax: 011-26855450, 49545451
Phdcci@phdcci.in Website: www.phdcci.in