Dear Sir,

It was great meeting you at the GIIN Conference in Paris last week.

INDIGRAM is a social impact group comprising of 4 Not for profit organizations (NPOs) and 2 for Profit companies. Group companies of Indigram have their primary focus on Agriculture, Renewable Energy and Health & Wellness. We have been active in agriculture space for around 2 decades.

We would like to work with your organisation or your incubatee/investee organisations to add value to business while achieving social impact objectives. We have outlined below some areas where we could collaborate.

A. Digital Agriculture and Extension

INDIGRAM actively deploys digital technology to engage and educate our target communities in remote rural regions through our NPOs. We have created various 3-D animation videos and rolled out some android apps for educating farmers. We are also running 3 Community Radio Stations (CRS). We make use of Social Media for Agriculture Extension. Nearly Half million agri-professionals are connected with us on social media. We have promoted the largest Network of Indian Agriculture Professionals (IAP) on facebook ( which is bilingual(Hindi and English). IAP group alone has membership of more than 244,000 Agri-professionals, which includes farmers, scientists, Startups, extension professionals and officials of state agriculture depts and corporate in agriculture sector.

B. Working together in Direct Extension activity

We are not only active in virtual world, but INDIGRAM also directly works with 400,000 farmers on ground through its NPO, Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals (ISAP). ISAP provides holistic Agriculture extension support to farmers. We have built more than 60 water structures, which include farm ponds and small check-dams etc. We assist farmers in target regions for soil testing, getting access to quality inputs and in production enhancement through adoption of Good Agriculture Practices (GAPs). We set up frontline demos on proven cropping techniques and conduct excursion visits and Farmer Field Days (FFDs) etc. for educating farmers.

We have promoted nearly 200 Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs) in the States of Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh. All these FPCs are federated under the umbrella of Federation of Indian FPOs and Aggregators (FIFA). Cumulative turnover of these FPCs was more than USD 30 Million in last two years. FIFA assists in both backward and forward integration to these FPOs. FPO model is emanating as an alternate channel for input marketing and output trading of agriculture commodities.

C. Incubation and Start ups:

INDIGRAM group has incubated more than 2400 Ag-based MSMEs. INDIGRAM has also set up a govt approved Technology and Business Incubation (TBI) Agency; Indigram Labs Foundation (ILF). ILF is presently working with more than 20 tech-based start-ups having primary focus on Agriculture, Health, Education and Clean Energy. We would be happy to set up meetings of various start ups with your teams where ever scope for collaborative work exists. Some of our startups are engaged with Corporates in helping solve problems identified by Corporates. These are done by one to one engagement of specific startups with corporates or by executing hackathons focused on solving those problems.

Also, enclosed is profile of INDIGRAM and its promoted entities for your kind perusal. We would like to collaborate with you or your incubatee/investee entities in any of above mentioned areas.

Since we have a fairly good understanding of Agriculture & Food sector in India and have a significant presence especially in rural parts of India, we would be keen to explore the following options :-

1. We can look to become your partners for Agri & Food Space in India.
2. We seek your support in creating a revolving fund for our current start-ups in Incubation as they have a potential to scale commercially and create a huge impact. We can look to provide them soft loans sourced from you if this falls in your mandate.
3. Equity Investments in our startups in Impact domain (Agriculture & Food , Education, Clean Energy & Rural Healthcare).
4. Sponsorship of exposure visits for our startups & Incubator teams to strategtic International Locations.
5. Indigram could provide a deep pipeline of good Agri & Food startup Investments in India as we have a very deep network in the space and have touch points with far more larger number of start ups than just our incubatees.
6. We can look to provide relevant market linkages and Product Testing & Market Validation for your investee/incubatee organisations in India.

Please feel free to ask, if you require any further information in this regard.

Thanks & Regards

Ashish Khetan

Chief Mentor & Investment Officer
(Supported by NSTEDB, DST, Govt. of India)
Indigram House - B1/B1 Mohan
Co-Operative Industrial Estate
New Delhi - 110044
Mobile: +91-9717595417

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