WebSockets | WebRTC One-to-One Video Chat
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- Using WebSockets for signaling
- It is one-to-one peers connection
How to use PeerConnection.js?
// http://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/websocket/PeerConnection.js var peer = new PeerConnection('ws://domain:port'); peer.onStreamAdded = function(e) { document.body.appendChild(e.mediaElement); }; // the easiest method of "manual" peers connection is // call "sendParticipationRequest" and pass user-id of the target user peer.sendParticipationRequest(userid); // otherwise, call "startBroadcasting" // (behind the scene) this function will be invoked // recursively until a participant found peer.startBroadcasting();
Simplest Demo
var offerer = new PeerConnection('ws://domain:port', 'offerer'); offerer.onStreamAdded = function(e) { document.body.appendChild(e.mediaElement); };
var answerer = new PeerConnection('ws://domain:port', 'answerer'); answerer.onStreamAdded = function(e) { document.body.appendChild(e.mediaElement); }; answerer.sendParticipationRequest('offerer');
getUserMedia is "in-your-own-hands"!
It is upto you to decide when to capture the stream; how to capture; and the quality of the stream.
function getUserMedia(callback) { var hints = { audio: true, video: { optional: [], // capture super-hd stream! mandatory: { minWidth: 1280, minHeight: 720, maxWidth: 1920, maxHeight: 1080, minAspectRatio: 1.77 } } }; navigator.getUserMedia(hints, function (stream) { // you can use "peer.addStream" to attach stream // peer.addStream(stream); // or peer.MediaStream = stream; callback(stream); // preview local video var video = document.createElement('video'); video.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream); video.controls = true; video.muted = true; peer.onStreamAdded({ mediaElement: video, userid: 'self', stream: stream }); }); }
Want to use WebSocket over Node.js?
var channel = location.href.replace(/\/|:|#|%|\.|\[|\]/g, ''); var websocket = new WebSocket('wss://www.webrtcweb.com:9449'); websocket.onopen = function () { websocket.push(JSON.stringify({ open: true, channel: channel })); }; websocket.push = websocket.send; websocket.send = function (data) { websocket.push(JSON.stringify({ data: data, channel: channel })); }; // pass "websocket" object over the constructor instead of URL var peer = new PeerConnection(websocket);
Check other signaling examples.