
Links for securing ePasses for movment of essential goods

Links for securing ePasses during lock down period for movement of essential commodities in various states and towns are as below:

# state Link
1. Karnataka https://kspclearpass.mygate.com/signup
2. Kallakurichi distt, Tamil Nadu https://epasskki.in/
3. Himachal Pradesh http://covidepass.hp.gov.in/
4. Madhya Pradesh https://mapit.gov.in/covid-19/
5. Punjab https://epasscovid19.pais.net.in/
6. Maharashtra Https://covid19.mhpolice.in
7. Varanasi District, Uttar Pradesh http://epassvns.com/
8. Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh https://sonbhadra.nic.in/coronacovid-19/
9. Haryana https://covidssharyana.in/

Important notifications/Circulars

# Title Notifications
1. Guidelines for farmers and farming sector suring lockdown period due to COVID-19 By ICAR Smiley face
2. DO Letter from Home Secretary to all Secretaries of Government Of India on movement of Goods dated 29.03.2020 2020-03-30 Smiley face
3. D.O. Letter from Secretary Shipping to States for smooth carrying of goods to & from ports 2020-03-24 Smiley face
4. कोविड-19 महामारी के दृष्टिगत घोषित लाक-डाउन के मध्य कृषि क्षेत्र में उर्वरक कीटनाशी, बीज आपूर्ति एवं बिक्री कार्यों में छूट के संबंध में- उत्तर प्रदेश Smiley face
4. उर्वरक, कृषि रसायन एवं कृषि उत्पादन सेवाओं को पूर्णतः बंद (lockdown) की परिधि से बाहर रखने के संबंध में।- बिहार Smiley face