

Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals (ISAP) is a non-government, not-for-profit organisation incorporated in 2001, under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act. It is the largest network of farmers in India spread across several states and also the largest network of agriculture and allied sector professionals in India. ISAP acts as a bridge between this network of Indian agricultural community and various other stake- holders of this sector (Governments, International Organizations, Bilateral Developmental agencies, Corporates, Academia and End-users) through large scale projects on the field. ISAP has also broadened its horizon recently in other rural development areas like Skill development, Dairy Development and Rural Healthcare ISAP has a dedicated full time staff of more than 200 people across 25 field offices in more than 15 states.

Reach at a glance

* Reached 1500 Villages, 49 blocks, 27 districts in 15 States!

* Touched and transformed the lives of 5 lakh Indian farming families!

* Provided Entrepreneurship Development training to 2659 agri-graduates and incubated 715 successful ventures

* Trained 5000 BPL rural youth on vocational skills and helped them gain meaningful livelihoods.

* Certified more than 250 agri-graduates under India Crop Certified Adviser Program.

* Satisfactorily answered more than 5 lakh farmer queries through our Kisan Call Centres (KCC) in Bhopal      (MP) and Gulbarga (Karnataka)

* Successfully established two 50 bedded rural hospitals in West Bengal

* Successfully running multi-seater health helpline in Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)

* Set up 36 water treatment plants for village drinking water supply schemes in various    states.