BMGF-IRRI Rice Monitoring System in South Asia (RMS –SA) - India & Nepal.
Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Project (RRLP): Consultancy services for strengthening on-farm livelihoods; Client: World Bank, India .
Maharashtra Agriculture Competitiveness Project (MACP): Consultancy services for Farmer Producer Groups forward market linkages, formation of producer associations and establishment of Farmer Common Service Centres (FCSCs); Client: World Bank, India.
Mid-term evaluation of Dairy Cattle Development Programme implemented through BAIF Development Research Foundation .
Baseline survey and preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for SAMETI Chhattisgarh in 3 districts covering 7500 households for ILMFP (Improving livelihoods
of marginalised farmers project) .
Baseline Survey of Govt. of HP and JICA funded " Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Project (HPCDP) in 5 project districts of Himachal Pradesh .
JICA local consultancy for the Survey on Horticulture Intensification by Micro Drip Irrigation (MDI) in Jharkhand .
Independent evaluation of socioeconomic impact on women financed by the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh in 9 states .
Baseline survey in five states (Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya and Nagaland) with respective State Horticulture Departments) .
Entrepreneurship development training in 11 states with support from Ministry of Agriculture and NABARD for cost of training and subsidy for bankable projects,
including establishment of more than 1000 ventures